Shipping Operations “How to be a DRY BULK OPERATOR”

ΔΕΛΤΙΑ ΤΥΠΟΥ - 07/06/2021

Shipping Operations “How to be a DRY BULK OPERATOR”

The following presentation is related to both practical and brief theoretical issues of Dry Bulk Shipping Operations as extracted throughout a shipping experience of 37 years both onboard ships and in shipping industry as Port Captain-Operator, Operations Manager and Clinical professor from Industry in MSc in Shipping Management at Unipi.
Content consisted of actual facts and issues encountered during daily operational process.
Considered vital to combine both practice and theory for the smooth execution of daily works in Operation Department (Operators), included but not limited and a guidance for both Masters and Chief Officers on board the ship.
Teamwork between Ship and Office and also teamwork and collaboration both onboard and ashore (between departments) always leading into constructive results, to the benefit of all parties involved in ships commercial Operation and achievement of Principals' goals.
The main scope is to alert and focus Employees involved in several operational issues and present practical issues to execute or defend any irregularities or potential claims against the vessel and consequently to vessel’s Managers.
Prevention instead of correction should be the main and initial goal of both Operators and Masters.
Involvement of experts, whenever considered their Specific knowledge required, need to be taken into account ( Legal Department-P and I clubs etc) acting Always proactively -prudently and efficiently.
As cases varying, hoping the content will manage to present a remarkable guide, always subject to Terms, Conditions and Exemptions of the contracts agreed.

Capt George Tsouris
Master Mariner, Operations Manager,
Lecturer in Shipping MSc Maritime Studies.